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Primary Contact Details:

Fitter Name:

James Thomas




United Kingdom

James’   motto is ‘fit first, buy later’, and it is this mantra which places the   cyclist at the centre of the bike fit process at bicycle. a  specialist bike store in London.  In fact, every customer who buys a bike at bicycle. comes with a bike fitting as a standard part of the process.

   His vision for his bike fitting service is to banish clients’ aches and   pains and improve their performance by fitting the bike to the individual and   taking the whole picture into account. This means looking at his customer’s   needs, goals, preferences and idiosyncrasies rather than insisting that the   client sticks with the settings that ‘should’ work for them. James is   solution-driven rather than sales-driven, and only recommends products or   brands if they fit the client and their cycling aims.

   James offers a Bike Fit and Consultation, a Follow Up Fit and a Foot   Consultation, all of which can be found on his website and booked online.   Bicycle Richmond also contains a workshop with service and repairs   facilities, bike box hire, custom builds, premium brands, cycling holidays   and more.

   James has an active Instagram account (   with a sizeable audience following his cycling adventures, fit tips and   product reviews. His bio declares that he “fits people, not bikes” - again,   testimony to his client-centred approach. You can also watch an interview   featuring James and a tour of bicycle.  -

   James’ qualifications, experience, equipment and services include:

   Cyclefit Advanced and foot correction course (a year’s training under   partnership scheme)
   Specialized BG fit level 1
   ICS attendance 2013
   ICS attendance 2014
   Torke Cycling Body positioning course
   Torke Cycling Foot correction course
   Purely Custom fit bike
   Gebiomized saddle pressure mapping
   Dartfish video analysis on all four planes

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