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Primary Contact Details:

Fitter Name:

Jon Wild




United Kingdom

<p   class="sqsrte-small preFlex flexIn" style="margin: 0px 0px   1rem;font-size: calc(-0.12vw + 1rem);color: #000000;font-family: 'Work   Sans'">Jon has a wealth of experience fitting people to their bikes.   As well as being obsessed with cycling biomechanics, he’s also raced mountain   bikes, triathlons, time trials and has cycled across America twice. East to   West and North to South.</p>
   <p class="preFlex flexIn" style="margin: 1rem 0px;color:   #000000;font-family: 'Work Sans'">Jon believes in knowledge-based   bike fitting instead of simply applying formulas and continues to learn from   the worlds best. The methods used enable accuracy within ±1.5 mm for saddle   height and ±3mm for seat fore/aft, which leads to much greater positional   optimization. To put that in perspective, most commercial bike fitting   systems can be as much as 40mm out!</p>
   <p class="preFlex flexIn" style="margin: 1rem 0px   0px;color: #000000;font-family: 'Work Sans'">He is proud to be a   certified fitter with the International Bike Fitting Institute and in his   spare time works to elevate the world of bike fitting through mentoring   programs, conferences, and industry publications.</p>

Pedalling Perfection
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